The purpose of Salat Foundation is to help memorize the English translation of the complete Salat, in full time elementary school children grades 1 to 5.
Salat Foundation will award $500 annual stipend to participating full time Islamic Schools.
The school management will conduct on annual Salat Memorization Competition (of English translation), among each class, grades 1 to 5 and distribute $100 cash prizes for each grade.
The student who best memorize the English translation of the complete Salat will receive the cash prize per management of the participating school that conduct the annual competition. A certificate will also be awarded. (click to print here)
A $500 stipend fund will be issued starting January of each academic year by Salat Foundation.
Participating school should be certified full time elementary school registered with local authorities.
Participating school need to register with Salat Foundation (click here to registration form). Annual registration is required.
Participating school must provide proof that the annual Salat Competition was held, by either mailing, emailing a letter or a picture or a video. (Contact details)
Salat Competition may be conducted anytime during an academic calendar year as per management of the full time elementary school.
The full amount (stipend of $500) must be distributed among the participating students, who best memorize the English translation of Salat in each class grade 1 to 5.
Printable Version of the Salat English Translation